Monday, March 17, 2014

The road... anywhere along the road. This is where I'd rather be. Grabbing my black, full face modular helmet, sliding down into my leather seat of my Shadow and hitting the ignition and hearing that engine spark and fire into a roar of life. The rumble beneath me, stretching from head to toe to the tips of my fingers, wrapped around the grips. I squeeze the soft rubber of my grips and step it down into first as I hold the clutch in and feel the click of first gear. It's not just a sound, it's a jolt through your leg up to your brain. It's the green light in your head to pull back that throttle and release the clutch and launch down the road. The winding, twisting curves of every turn. The trees and grass and bushes of each side. Maybe fences surrounding fields to keep in cattle or horses. The black and grey pavement and tiny cracks that pass by. The yellow lines, be it solid or strips, leading the way as you glide by. The fragrance of the grass and pastures hidden in the wind. The smell of oak and pine trees and flowers, of pollen and fire wood. That unexplainable smell of a brisk wind that hits the senses and relaxes the body making you feel one with the road. Every smell leaves a sweet taste of the outdoors in the back of your pallet. Maybe reminding you of another memory like the firewood and a BBQ. You may have remembered that BBQ joint back home that served the best pulled pork you've ever found. Your mouth waters at the thought. You feel the wind rush past your entire body, blowing and crashing into your chest and legs. You feel the bike rumble as you throttle up and down, gliding over the pavement through dips and valleys, hills and curves. You feel the foot rest touch and drag along the road as you turn hard into a sharp curve. Scrapping and sparking along the pavement. The whoosh of the wind rushing by. The roar of the engine turning spark into energy and fuel into feel. As you throttle hard, the bike picks up and pushes you back with the new found momentum. Nothing else matters... I forget every problem that may be pressing me. Every person that may be throwing what they can at me, trying to bring down my spirits. I fade away from any frustration or pain I may have and melt into the road itself, never looking back. I escape from the troubles in life and find new, more effective ways to live and progress. New thoughts, new emotions. I rise into my own personal Nirvana leaving my worries behind in the dust of the road.

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